Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bible Final

Here is my bible final http://www.docstoc.com/docs/18891351/?key=YjUwYjUzZTIt&pass=NjY3My00NTVj
I was watching a commercial for Assassin's Creed 2, which is a video game, when I recognized the song that they were playing in the background. After listening a little more closely I realized that it was the same song that we listened to in class which was the remake of Psalm 51. It was just interesting to see just how much affect those few words have had on the world that it is not the main song for a modern video game. Pretty interesting

Monday, December 7, 2009

I decided to read the book of Revelation and I realized that while I feel like I learned quite a bit during this semester, I really have no idea what is going on. I was completely lost in this reading. I tried to put together the seven scrolls and the seven years and the believers leaving and all that stuff and wow if this is coming true I'm gonna be one lost guy. If I'm walking down the street and a scroll from heaven falls at my feet I am either going to A.) Going to sit crossed legged and cry right there. B.) Try to throw it back and tell God to wait till its a little more convenient for me, or C.) Run like hell and hope I can just wait it out. No matter what I feel like I will still have no idea what is going on.
Publish Post

Sunday, December 6, 2009

After writing my final paper on the slave it allowed me to go back and review this great novel. It is almost painful to see all that Jacob must go through. First his painful conflict between his love for a gentile and his dedication to his religion. His confusion on why good men suffer and the wicked can go free. His constant persecution by all those who he comes into contact with. What hurts the most to read is how hard he tries to make his sins right in the sight of God. Even when he admits his loss of love for his Lord he still wishes to do right. It is hard to see a man suffer so much and not be rewarded for it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I have not been the most faithful blogger, but listening to today's presentations I was surprised by how many people have been affected by this class. The overwhelming theme of choice for the papers was "What I learned and how it has changed me." Like many of the presenters I was not well versed in the scripture, and this class has opened my eyes. Like the idea of the parabola, I began with this class thinking that I knew much about the bible and its inner workings. As I read on and listened to discussions, I became somewhat bitter. I was more faithful than I put on, and I felt a little attacked. This is when in hit the bottom or curved part of the parabola. I have since then began to appreciate the bible and have started back on the upward curve. I realize now that the bible is full of great stories, and has been a base for many great pieces of literature. I appreciate what it has brought to me and my culture, and I no longer feel betrayed by it. In the end this is still one of the most powerful books in my life becasue of its foundation in has layed on my civilization

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thesis statement

The Slave and the book of Job, are the same story a few thousand years apart. These two, once holy and well respected men, face more trials and personal sufferings than any single human should have to endure. Like Ben said in his blog, it is not a U shaped style, or in mathematical terms X^2, of believing that these men take on, but rather it is a tangent curve that continues to fluctuate up and down over and over again. In the end both characters in the story wish to find the reasoning for innocent suffering, but neither are able to find a sufficient answer.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This book reminds me of a greek tale where the gods are playing games with the people of earth. God and the devil are just messing around with Job seeing just how loyal he is. I can see a Heaven's vegas man taking bids with 50:1 that Job crys like a little girl and spites God. What kind of god plays games with a man like that. I know this is the chapter that is supposed to give reason behind the suffering of people, but this betting on a mans life seems like a sin to me. Maybe Im not looking for the best meaning, but this just seems like a crule thing for the almighty to do.